The Leaders Perspective: Playing A crucial Role In The Success And Growth Of Organizations Across Various Industries

Business consulting and services play a crucial role in the success and growth of organizations across various industries. The importance of business consulting and services is evident in their ability to enhance organizational performance, drive strategic initiatives, and provide critical expertise and support. By leveraging the knowledge and experience of consultants, businesses can achieve sustainable growth, efficiency, and competitive advantage.

The Leader’s Perspective was established to bring the best of two gifts together. In my 20 years of organizational leadership, I was creating the most value when I was either contributing strategic thinking and facilitation or coaching others for leadership. I was not the best at the other business mechanics of running a nonprofit (like fundraising or finance). But I was effective at casting vision, framing priorities, and coaching others. Ultimately, I wanted to place myself where I could have the greatest impact, and I have found since the 8 years since we launched TLP that this is the sweet spot,” says Dr. Patrick Jinks, President, The Leader`s Perspective.

The man behind the scene

As an award-winning professional photographer, Dr. Patrick Jinks knows the value of viewing challenges through the right lenses to achieve success. After a successful 22-year career in organizational leadership, Patrick changed lenses to serve leaders from another perspective. Today, he coaches and trains leaders in both the social and corporate sectors. Patrick is a multi-best-selling author and member of the National Association of Experts, Writers, and Speakers.

With a Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership, Patrick regularly contributes to as a member of the Forbes Coaches Council. He is a Board-Certified Coach, certified adjunct coach and trainer with Leadership Systems, Inc., and certified Influencer trainer with VitalSmarts. He is also certified as an Academy of Choice coach. He is a teaching supporter of the Right Question Institute and holds a Harvard Business School Certificate in using the Question Formulation Technique (QFT).

Patrick has been featured as a GameChanger and a Master of Success in USA Today and The Wall Street Journal respectively, for his fresh take on nonprofit strategy and leadership through The Strategic Coaching Continuum. He was recognized as one of the Top 10 Most Influential People in Leadership Coaching by CIO Views Magazine, and as the “Most Successful Leadership Coach to Watch in 2024” by Enterprise Wired Magazine. His speaking stages range from The Citadel to Universal Studios, and from TEDx to The United Nations. Patrick’s globally-acclaimed podcast, The Leadership Window is a Feedspot Top-10 podcast for social sector leadership.

Mission and Vision

“At TLP, we start with purpose before mission. We first answer the ‘why’ question. We are here because of four realities in the social sector:

  1. Leading change is complex.
  2. Progress in the sector takes longer than it should.
  3. Scarcity is a prevailing mindset.
  4. Leadership can be a lonely place.

Our vision (also part of our why) is the opposite of the above. We want faster, more resourced, more agile, and more effective leaders and organizations that have clarity, simplicity, and alignment in all their work.

With that purpose in mind, our mission (our charge) is to help organizational leaders and their teams achieve meaningful action on their committed, aligned mission objectives, and we do it by providing leaders with access to world-class leadership, strategy, and culture coaching.”

Client-Centric Service

“We take a coaching approach to everything we do, but in the traditional sense that we know organizations are familiar with, we provide strategic planning, employee engagement measurement and training, organizational culture mapping, and leadership coaching for both teams and individuals.”

The differentiating factor

“We are a coaching company BEFORE we are a consulting company. I often tell my clients that the value we create with them comes not from answering their questions but from questioning their answers. We bring a powerful inquiry stance that draws out and elevates our clients’ best thinking toward their own goals, solutions, and dreams.

I bring a blend of natural talent, deep training, and organizational experience to the coaching table. My gifts include deep listening, synthesizing, challenging, and framing. My training includes an MBA and a PhD in organizational leadership, as well as numerous coaching certifications, including board certification from the Centre for Credentialing and Education (CCE). My experience spans over two decades of organizational executive leadership experience and success.”

Our clientele

“Most of TLP’s clients are in the social sector since that is where my experience and knowledge lie. I can relate to the nuanced challenges nonprofit leaders face. However, I have coached leaders from Fortune 500 Companies, government agencies, and philanthropic foundations. The leaders I gain the most fulfillment from coaching are those who are constantly striving for what’s next in their leadership effectiveness. They are passionate about their missions and dedicated to continually learning and growing.”

Future roadmap

“In the spirit we encourage our clients to embrace, we are always looking ahead to what will constitute the ‘next level’ for TLP. The next couple of years are shaping up to be very significant for growth. We will be adding certified, adjunct coaches to the team as we move more into the coaching training space. We currently deliver a 30-hour, online, on-demand training for leadership coaches, that the CCE has approved as eligible training hours toward board certification. We are also in the middle of a major project involving international corporate coaching training design,” concluded, Dr. Patrick Jinks.