Ilantus Services: A Top-Notch AI-Powered Holistic Identity And Access Management Services Company

Ilantus Technologies

Identity and Access Management (IAM) services are increasingly critical in the modern digital landscape as organizations seek to secure their data, applications, and systems against a backdrop of growing cyber threats and regulatory requirements. IAM encompasses technologies and processes for managing user identities and access rights to systems and resources. The market for IAM services has experienced substantial growth and evolution, driven by advancements in technology, changing business needs, and emerging threats. The global IAM market is robust and expanding. As of 2024, the IAM market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of around 13-15 percent reaching a valuation of approximately $30 billion by 2026. This growth is fuelled by the increasing complexity of IT environments, heightened cybersecurity concerns, and stringent regulatory requirements.

Ilantus was founded in 2000 to provide top-notch Identity and Access Management (IAM) services to clients worldwide. Starting as a professional services company, Ilantus gained extensive experience in the IAM domain over the years from thousands of IAM implementations for major brands, including Fortune 500 companies. This expertise eventually led the company to develop a unique IAM product called Compact Identity, which is well recognized by leading analysts globally and listed in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant.

In 2022, a strategic decision was made to restructure Ilantus by separating its product business as a different company. Also, to provide a holistic cybersecurity services to clients,  in February 2023, Ilantus’ services business  merged with  Network Intelligence, a prominent provider of digital cybersecurity solutions.

Ilantus Services is now a fully owned subsidiary of Network Intelligence, offering a full range of AI-driven IAM services implementing a Zero Trust Framework to provide customers with an identity-centric, holistic cybersecurity solution.

The initial challenges

“A significant challenge I faced as CEO of Ilantus was the lack of clear boundaries between the Product and Services business units, leading to operational inefficiencies and strategic misalignment. Upon joining, I recognized that the differing natures of these divisions were causing numerous problems. To address this, I led a comprehensive restructuring of the company, establishing separate entities for Product and Services, each with its own independent P&L.

This strategic separation allowed each unit to focus on its core strengths and objectives. Subsequently, I sold the Services business, generating capital that was crucial for investing in and expanding the Product division. This restructuring not only streamlined operations but also facilitated targeted growth and innovation in our product offerings, ultimately driving business growth and enhancing our market position,” says Arun K. Singh, CEO, Ilantus.

Client oriented services

“We have built GenAI based productized service offerings supported with unique solution accelerators to ensure predictive outcomes. We also have a dedicated division for service quality audit which works with each client engagement as an independent entity and presents unbiased report to the senior management. Our unique delivery approach for IAM includes setting up a robust foundation with key critical systems in cloud or on premise. Once the foundation is tested for high availability and peak load, we bring in our “Factory Model” to onboard applications and enable security control for rest of the environment. This enables sustainability and helps us to scale up the rapid deployment of cybersecurity controls,” adds Arun.


“I built a transformation roadmap for Ilantus that enabled growth mindset for everyone in the company. Ilantus product got listed in Gartner’s magic quadrant and professional services received several recognitions by leading cybersecurity groups. For the accelerated growth of Ilantus business, one of the key milestone was to separate out product business as a new company and retain the Ilantus brand for professional Services in Identity and Access Management domain.

The next milestone was to merge the Ilantus Services business with Network Intelligence ( in February 2023. Network Intelligence is one of the top cybersecurity service providers in USA, Australia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Singapore, Netherlands, India. It is fully backed by a US-based investment firm with an aspiration to grow at a rapid pace.

For me, it was an enriching experience to lead the entire exit process for Ilantus services – from investor pitch to due diligence to finalizing the agreements and completing the merger process. To stay abreast of emerging trends and developments in our field, I have established a multifaceted approach that prioritizes applied innovation and client collaboration. Our strategy revolves around proactive monitoring of the technology landscape, including emerging trends, threat vectors, and client priorities, through our dedicated Research & Development team. Leveraging cutting-edge solutions like Generative AI enables us to strike a balance between operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.”

The future roadmap

“Looking ahead, I’m thrilled about integrating Generative AI (GenAI) with our Zero Trust security model. This fusion, positions our firm as a transformative leader in cybersecurity, offering AI-powered IAM solutions that provide unparalleled protection.

Our AI-enhanced Zero Trust model will continuously validate user identity and adapt to emerging threats in real-time. This aligns with our commitment to excel in risk assessments, threat intelligence, and rapid incident response. By incorporating GenAI into our access controls, data privacy measures, and compliance protocols, we’re setting new standards in customer trust and security. We’re also addressing the cybersecurity skills gap by augmenting our team’s capabilities with AI.

We’re also implementing safeguards against AI-powered attacks, ensuring model updates, and maintaining regulatory compliance. Education on responsible AI use in cybersecurity is also a priority. This GenAI-driven approach not only fortifies businesses against cyber threats but also preserves reputation and ensures long-term financial stability in an AI-powered digital landscape,” concludes Arun.