ISRO’s PSLV-C56 Mission: India Achieves Success in Launching 7 Foreign Satellites into Space

ISRO's PSLV-C56 Mission

Remarkable Demonstration of India’s Growing Prowess in Space Technology

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has achieved yet another milestone with the successful launch of the ISRO’s PSLV-C56 Mission from Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh. The launch, which included seven satellites, marks a significant achievement not only for India’s space endeavors but also for fostering international collaboration in space research.

ISRO’s PSLV-C56 Mission

The main highlight of the PSLV-C56 mission is the DS-SAR satellite, a collaborative effort between Singapore’s government Defense Science and Technology Agency (DSTA) and ST Engineering. Weighing 360 kg, the DS-SAR satellite is equipped with an advanced Synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) from Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI). This radar technology offers unparalleled capabilities, providing high-resolution imaging with 1-meter resolution even in challenging weather conditions and during day and night. The applications of this advanced satellite are far-reaching, including disaster damage assessment, land use monitoring, deforestation tracking, security operations support, and commercial applications such as oil and gas exploration, agriculture monitoring, and infrastructure assessment.

The DS-SAR satellite was strategically launched into a Near-equatorial Orbit (NEO) at an altitude of 535 km, perfectly aligning with the imaging requirements of the Singaporean government agencies and ST Engineering’s commercial clientele. This orbit enhances the satellite’s efficacy in fulfilling its intended purposes and meeting the diverse needs of its users.

PSLV-C56 mission

Additionally, the PSLV-C56 mission featured six co-passenger satellites, showcasing India’s space technology expertise and its commitment to fostering international partnerships in space research. These co-passenger satellites include:

  • VELOX-AM: A microsatellite designed for technology demonstration.
  • ARCADE: An experimental satellite dedicated to exploring atmospheric coupling and dynamics.
  • SCOOB-II: Embarking with a nanosatellite carrying a payload to demonstrate cutting-edge technology.

NuLIoN by NuSpace:

An advanced technology nanosatellite aimed at ensuring seamless IoT connectivity in urban and remote areas.

  • Galassia-2: A nanosatellite positioned in low Earth orbit.
  • ORB-12 STRIDER: A satellite developed through global cooperation.

Highlighting its commitment to responsible space practices, ISRO will maneuver the upper stage of PSLV-C56 to a lower orbit after deploying all the satellites. By doing so, ISRO aims to contribute to space sustainability and mitigate potential hazards stemming from space debris.

The successful launch of the PSLV-C56 mission, featuring the DS-SAR satellite and co-passenger payloads, stands as a momentous achievement for both ISRO and India’s strides in space exploration. This accomplishment underscores India’s robust space technology capabilities and underscores the vital role of international collaboration in advancing space research. Collaborative missions like PSLV-C56 exemplify the potential to expand our understanding of the universe and its marvels, propelling us to further explore and push the boundaries of space technology. ISRO’s collaborative efforts with its global partners, employing cutting-edge satellite technology, are instrumental in addressing worldwide challenges, Earth monitoring, and facilitating diverse applications for governments and industries across the globe.